"U.S. Navy" Artwork References (All)
Wikipedia provides an excellent overview of the Continental Navy's history:
Page name: Continental Navy
Author: Wikipedia contributors
- Publisher: Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
- Date of last revision: 10 June 2019 17:42 UTC
- Date retrieved: 2 July 2019 18:58 UTC
- Permanent link: https://en.wikipedia.
org/w/index.php?title= Continental_Navy&oldid= 901256171 - Primary contributors: Revision history statistics
- Page Version ID: 901256171
[Seriously cool fact from the above article: did you know that George Washington may be considered as a founding father of the U.S. Navy? In the above article, see the link to the story of the Continental Army's Hannah, chartered by General Washington on September 5, 1775.]
For the birthday of the U.S. Navy:
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. (General Ed.) The Almanac of American History: Revised and Updated Edition (Greenwich, CT: Brompton Books Corporation, 1993), pg. 165